I've recently started using the above build to attempt to solo farm UW. Keep in mind this is my first time with any farming build.
Anyways, the problem I'm having is not being able to kill the Aatxe's. After about 5 minutes the Grasping Darkness's go down but the Aatxe's regen seem to keep them close to full health. It's really hard to keep balanced e-management because of the fact that the skills cost so much energy. I need an almost full bar just to do a permaform combo and that leaves me little energy left to spam enough of the attack skills to counter the regen of the Aatxe's. I've sat there for 10 minutes trying to take them down but eventually I succumb to messing up the permaform and dying.
Is there any alternate builds to the above one that perhaps has better e-management?
As masmar said, spirit of failure should be sufficient energy management.
If you're finding it hard to overcome Aaxtes' natural healing. Perhaps you should farm your chosen alliegence to attain a higher degen with ether nightmare.
keep rotating targets everytime spirit of failure recharges so ur getting +3 energy every time 2 or 3 Aatxe's attack. their attack speed is very quick, so u should be getting decent energy per second on top of ur 4 pip e-recharge.
This Build is quite ineffecient because the Mindblade Spectres got Hex Breaker since an Update in 2008, and just for Chamber farming i prefer hte normal UWSC Build...